Week 3 A2 September 25, 2020
Who We Are We are the Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness, a New York City-based policy research organization focused on family and child homelessness. What We Do We are dedicated to bringing family and child homelessness into focus through research, policy briefs, and interactive data tools. ICPH’s publications inform government officials, policymakers, advocates, academics, and service providers from across the country to promote a robust, evidence-based dialogue on family and child homelessness. Why We Do It Homelessness is a national experience but a local issue, with tailored solutions working best for each community. Homeless families must be actively considered in housing, education, employment, domestic violence, health, mental health, and economic policy conversations. A robust and productive debate about the best options available to support homeless families is essential. Policies most likely to succeed in helpi...