
Showing posts from March, 2020
Week 4  Choose one stressor that you, or someone you know, experienced as a child. Share how you, or that person, coped with and/or compensated for that stressor?   "Poverty" & "Racism"   (Please forgive me EDU6160-However, I cannot talk about poverty unless I bring in "Racism"  because it seems, they always  coincide  with each other.  The famous Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted, "The three major evils are, poverty, racism, and war (Retrieved March 2020). I believe there are two groups of people in society.  The wealthy and the poor. When I was growing up, I was poor. Some researcher may refer to it as, "The Have and the Have Nots." I want to know why the wealthy feel more powerful than poor people. As a child, I was bused to the west side of town in Amarillo.  Each morning the bus would pass by the enormous homes and lascivious cars in the neighorhood of the school I was attending. Needless to say, my neighborhood did not l...
The public health topics  I selected are:  Nutrition/malnutrition and Access to  healthy water Why are these two areas meaningful to me?  As I work daily with preschool  children each day, I think about my boys and girls nutrition patterns.  For             example:  one student does not like fruits/veggies, and another one will not drink              milk. Instead, they want orange juice to substitute for milk.  Healthy eating is                  very important and it is our responsibility to make sure our child have a healthy food            choice each day.                         According to Tong, (2016) good nutrition  leads to growth which will offer a            ...
As I reflect upon a child's birth in the making, I would like to reflect upon my daughter's child birth. She was born 38 years ago in the afternoon and I had a small complication in delivering her because my female complications.  However, I was raised in the church. I had praying warriors speaking on my behalf.  Suddenly, my female organs began to work and I had her natural birth.  It was nothing but a miracle and a blessing. I am so thankful for my wonderful daughter. I chose this experience because it is very dear to my heart. I believe that any woman who can carry a child for 9 months and deliver that precious child is very blessed. Selected a country other than the US and tell about birth?  I selected Africa. According to the article, he birth of a baby, which should be a joyful occasion, too often brings heartbreak and agony for African families.  It stated that pregnancy and childbirth complications are the leading cause of death and injury for w...