Week 7- due October 24, 2020 Explore options available for ECE Professionals to Increase Knowledge

ECE Professionals:  "How to Increase your                                 Knowledge?" 

 First of all, an individual must have the desire and want to learn more to be able to grow in ECE. 

President Obama’s early learning initiative proposal includes strategies to increase access to high-quality preschool and expand the Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership program serving infants and toddlers as indicated by the authors (Forry, Tout, Halle, & Dally, 2013). 

 As we observe the country  historic expansion of early care and education opportunities for young children, Child Trends offers a list of five ways to improve their quality: www.childtrends.org

1. Focus first on children's safety, health, and happiness.

2. Support the early care and education workforce.

3. Use observations and assessments to support every child's needs across all developmental domains. 

4. Create a culture of continuous quality improvement. 

5. Build partnership to support quality.

What makes a good ECE (Early Childhood Education) teacher? 

The findings indicate with our National Association for the Education of Young Children, states the most important characteristic for teachers of early childhood development is enthusiasm and passion for children. This goes well beyond enjoying being will children. It means wanting to make a difference to each and every child. (https://www.google.com/search?q=ways+to+increase+your+knowledge+as+ECE+teacher)

I want to focus on Enthusiasm and Passion. If I were to break down the letters for the two words, this is what I would get.  (see below)


N- Stress the importance of "NUTRIENT" 



U- Uplifted

S-Problem solver


A- Amazing

M- Magnificent/Modish




S-Special Individual who have love for kids



N-Never Complaining but brainstorming ways to make it better!


Retrieved from:  (https://www.google.com/search?q=ways+to+increase+your+knowledge+as+ECE+teacher)

Retrieved from:  www.childtrends.org


  1. Hi Katrina,

    I loved that the most important characteristic for teachers of early childhood development is enthusiasm and a passion for children. This includes wanting to make a difference to each and every child in the world today. Every child is unique and special. Educators need to learn as much as they can about each child and their family in order to build strong relationships that will help the child in the learning environment. Early childhood teachers need to stay positive and know that they are making a difference in each child's life that they encounter in their classroom. Great blog post this week!

  2. Hello Katrina,
    I love the acronym! All of those characteristics will make an awesome teacher. As an early educator the focus should be on the well-being of the child. Children are growing up in situations where their safety is an after thought. There are times when it is up to us to create nurturing environments that facilitate learning and safety.

  3. Katrina,
    Your acronyms are quite clever and something I would love to share with the rest of my teaching team if that is okay with you! Enthusiasm and passion are definitely two words that describe what it takes to be a quality early childhood educator and I believe you have those characteristics.

    1. Please do so. We are in this together and we must help one another.

  4. Hello,

    Great Post! I can tell in your post you are passionate about children and their development. I love the acronyms.

  5. Hi Katrina,
    I love your post and the pictures you have put up. I agree that teachers should have a passion for working with young children. Teaching young children means more to me then a pay check, I have a strong passion for being a positive role model in the lives of young children and families. I currently work for an Early Head Start program and I love everything about it. Great Post!


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